Castle On the Ocean Could Paper Craft Get Any Better
At the recent paper craft exhibition in Tokyo, simply called ‘Castle on the Ocean’ exhibition, one thing that couldn’t escape an attendee’s attention is a piece of work by a Japanese paper craft genius going by the name Wataru Itou. From the piece of work – a complete city, with all the trappings like a electrical lights and even a train – one would be forgiven for thinking the creator is someone who has been in paper craft for decades.Yet as it turns out, Itou is but ‘just’ a student of art at one of Tokyo’s university. Obviously, there lies a very promising student. Words alone cannot exactly capture the intensity of Itou’s creation. But looking at it, one is left wondering whether paper craft could ever get any better, or whether Itou’s work isn’t really as good as it can get; in other words ‘the ultimate.