As some of you may know, Deuce is the ex-lead singer for hip-hop/rock band Hollywood Undead who got kicked out because of several rumored reasons, but every reason he seems to give seems to be very unlikely, and HU seems genuine with the ones they give. One of which was that he wanted an 800 dollar assistant to come with him on tour, just to take care of him.
He's a real spoiled dick, basically.
Here he is, with his new band, which tries to be better than HU, but ends up being worse as a whole due to bad songwriting, terrible guests, lackluster instruments, and more bitching than a woman on PMS.
Seriously, let's take a look at Hollywood Undead for a second, with their new lead singer:
I don't mean to critique a band on how they look, but look at those douchebags! HU has an image like "We're some dudes in masks!" And that can be kinda cool, but the above picture just screams "We're white, from the suburbs, and here to mess you up!" But yeah, onto the actual musi- just kidding, not yet. The album art is absolutely terrible and needs to be burned in the pits of hell for looking like fan-art. Who the hell are some of the people on it? Do I need to know? Do I care? I can answer the last two with the same answer: No.
All of the songs here are not new at all. They've been released by Deuce separately over the years, and this is just a compilation he's passing off as new. Most of the songs are hardly even his, as he's just rapping over other people's beats, and singing over them, two of which, get this.. Are over old Hollywood Undead beats that he destroys, and not in a good way. For a band he seems to hate, he just can't get enough of them! Most of the tracks revolve around three themes:
1. God I'm so horny.
2. I'm so sad..
Seriously, several tracks are just him whining about how he got kicked out.
He has some guests on it, but the most pitiful is the rapper Truth. He sounds so awkward and out of place. The only person I even mildly like hearing on this album is Deuce himself, I don't see why he needs to involve himself with such talentless 'homies'.
I like Deuce, don't get me wrong, some of the songs where he's not whining about HU have catchy melodies and are genuinely good, but this is just pathetic for the most part. He has the potential, and the talent to make some great stuff, but only if it's just him, without Truth or any guys like that, if there's no whining, and if he makes his own beats. He has the ability to make good music.. He just isn't using it.
Recommended tracks: Story of a Snitch. You know what? Screw that, stay the hell away from this album.
Also, with the whole 'diss tracks' he put on here towards HU? There's a few, and HU did one, just one, on their new album, called 'Lights Out' which totally beats everything Deuce has ever made.
"I'm gonna wake your ass up, because you ain't got what it takes, your crew's riding my nuts, they'll tell you how my dick tastes." - Charlie Scene
All of the songs here are not new at all. They've been released by Deuce separately over the years, and this is just a compilation he's passing off as new. Most of the songs are hardly even his, as he's just rapping over other people's beats, and singing over them, two of which, get this.. Are over old Hollywood Undead beats that he destroys, and not in a good way. For a band he seems to hate, he just can't get enough of them! Most of the tracks revolve around three themes:
1. God I'm so horny.
2. I'm so sad..
Seriously, several tracks are just him whining about how he got kicked out.
He has some guests on it, but the most pitiful is the rapper Truth. He sounds so awkward and out of place. The only person I even mildly like hearing on this album is Deuce himself, I don't see why he needs to involve himself with such talentless 'homies'.
I like Deuce, don't get me wrong, some of the songs where he's not whining about HU have catchy melodies and are genuinely good, but this is just pathetic for the most part. He has the potential, and the talent to make some great stuff, but only if it's just him, without Truth or any guys like that, if there's no whining, and if he makes his own beats. He has the ability to make good music.. He just isn't using it.
Recommended tracks: Story of a Snitch. You know what? Screw that, stay the hell away from this album.
Also, with the whole 'diss tracks' he put on here towards HU? There's a few, and HU did one, just one, on their new album, called 'Lights Out' which totally beats everything Deuce has ever made.
"I'm gonna wake your ass up, because you ain't got what it takes, your crew's riding my nuts, they'll tell you how my dick tastes." - Charlie Scene