Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jenna Talackova

An online petition has been started to get transsexual Miss Universe Canada finalist Jenna Talackova of Vancouver reinstated.

The petition, which was started by a man in Brooklyn, N.Y., is being hosted on, a for-profit company that says it aims to promote social change through online petitions.

The petition has more than 30,300 signatures toward the 35,000 goal.

“She is a woman who deserves to be treated like other women would be,” says the petition. “What kind of genitals she was born with [and even what kind she has today] is completely irrelevant.”

One petition signator argued that Talackova is legally and physically a woman.

“Her being trans represents that it was harder for her than most to get where she is today, and that make her the perfect Miss Universe contestant,” said the signator.

The Miss Universe pageant has acknowledged Talackova is not a contestant, but had not elaborated on why.

“She did not meet the requirements to compete despite having stated otherwise on her entry form,” said the pageant.