Wednesday, March 21, 2012

JFF - Calvin Harris & Ne-Yo, "Let's Go"

My obsession with Calvin Harris bordered on mania during my college years (my roommates would probably have a few words here).  I have been meaning to write a comprehensive piece on Calvin for weeks... but, unlike all y'all fancy bloggers (pros), I have a day job.  It's exhausting to buckle down & write a long, detailed work on someone so massive after working 9-5.  Where do we begin? Perhaps with a song?

Today, in the middle of structuring a future article on Calvin I heard, to my ears' delight, Let's Go, a breezy dance smash with POP-R&B artist Ne-Yo.  Once again, Calvin proves himself to be the King of "good decision" collaborations, & Let's Go it clearly another one under his belt.

I'm really waiting for Calvin to make a bad song. So far it seems implausible.  This man even made Rihanna sound good...

