Friday, April 20, 2012

The Singles Roundup - 4/20


Chris Brown -
Sweet Love
When a Chris Brown song opens with "baby, let's get naked / just so we can make / sweet love," and flows into "you start screaming when I go downtown," one has cause for concern. Sweet Love smells of pulling "a Banks," and by that we mean emulating the entertainment industry's new shock-value goddess / musical messiah, Azealia. Unfortunately, Chris's attempt at sounding sexy ends up somewhere between profane & just plain icky. You should know betta.

The good news: Timbaland is back with some dirty-dirty-bass-bass-bass. The bad news: Break Ya Back is choppy at best. The song's finer moments feature Dev, whose swagger shines over Timbaland's incoherent mumble-rap. In the long run it's alright though, because Dev assures us "I'm gonna be around for a little while / ya feel me?"

Adam's voice has never sounded whinier. We don't even remember the song, honestly.

Cheryl Cole - Call My Name
This is a disappointing track - not because Cheryl Cole does not deliver, which she does (as much as Cheryl can) - but because Calvin put in barely a passing effort. For Cheryl, it's a radio-ready, dancefloor-friendly comeback, but for Calvin, it's a bit of a red flag. Don't go Dr. Luke on us Calvin! We're not interested in Rihanna's sloppy seconds (although, to be fair, Call My Name sounds more like In My Arms than We Found Love). Either way, Cheryl is on her way back. Prepare.
Note from Gregory: I'm SO over this! Beyonce did Say My Name, Rihanna did What's My Name, & now Call My Name? RE-DUC-TIVE.


Gregory & Minna