Thursday, April 26, 2012

Foster the People's new music video :: Our new pick-me-up

Sometimes when you need a pick-me-up, something falls right in your lap.  Today, our "tiramisu" was viewing the brilliant new music video for Houdini by Foster the People. The premise? When the band members die in a tragic onstage accident, the big boys in tailored suits (an obvious 'music industry professionals' reference) are left with no choice but to resurrect them... & transform them in robo-performers (with some pretty slick boy band dance moves). Word on the street is that this will be their next single.  Goodie.

Watch the clip for Houdini below.  You'll laugh.  You'll cry.  You'll dance.  You'll smile.

Say what you want about the "faceless" guitar band, but this is clearly pretty excellent.  Rarely do I get the kind of warm fuzzies inside as when an indie band tops the charts... & still retains their essential pluck & personality.  We heart Foster the People.

