Sublime's debut, 40oz. To Freedom, can be best described as somewhat sporadic, but very, very good.
Sublime is built up of Bradley Nowell on guitar and vocals, Eric Wilson on bass, Bud Gaugh on drums, although sadly due to rehab issues, Bud is hardly on this album and is replaced by session drummers, and finally, Lou Dog, Bradley's dog, on barking. Yes, Bradley's dog is a member of the band.
From Bradley's awesome vocals and his lyrics, which show off his personality, Eric's basslines, and Bud's (well, session drummers, but they all imitated his style) drumming, this album has a lot of heart behind it. It's just three best friends messing around, trying to make an album based off of things they all love.
Love is also something that intertwines with this album. Is the album full of love songs? Nope. But most of the songs show just how much Bradley loved life. He was the person who could find even the worst looking day beautiful, because he simply loved being alive. Loved every second of it.
So what brings this album down? Actually, your guess is as good as mine, because I really can't think of anything at all. I guess if you don't like reggae it can be a little annoying at points, but really, that's the most I can come up with, and even then, it's just a guess, as I do love reggae.
Among the original songs are a few covers for those who are interested, such as 'We're Only Gonna Die For Our Own Arrogance' by Bad Religion, '5446 That's My Number' out of '5446 That's My Number/Ball and Chain' is by Toots & the Maytals, 'Scarlet Begonias' is by the Grateful Dead, but in my opinion, made much better here. 'Smoke Two Joints' by The Toyes, which is funny because many people probably think Sublime made this song. 'Hope' by the Descendents, and finally 'Rivers of Babylon' by the Melodians.
The thing is, their covers are in my opinion much better than the originals, so having that many covers on the album isn't bad at all.
Overall, I want to give this album an 8/10. I know there are no flaws with it, but I can't really place it higher. It's still amazing though.
Recommended Track(s): 5446 That's My Number/Ball and Chain, Scarlet Begonias, Hope