Tomahawk is built up of Mike Patton, who at this time, was from Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, and Fantômas, who I will cover later, Duane Denison of The Jesus Lizard, Kevin Rutmanis of Melvins, and John Stanier of Helmet (and now Battles). Tomahawk is an alternative/experimental metal band, and a great one at that.
Mike is on keyboards and vocals, Duane on guitar, Kevin on bass, and John on drums. Mike, as always, is great. Duane's guitar style fits the music, as it's not heavy or light, but it's like he's painting a musical picture with his guitar. Kevin is decent, and John can really hold a beat and go on a frenzy.
The best part? Those aren't all that far from Tomahawk lyrics!
Taken from Wikipedia, because they best described the concept of this album:
"The album is somewhat of a concept album, documenting the events, emotions, and psychology of a serial killer. The opening track, "Flashback" is chronologically the final part of the story. In this track the serial killer is in session with a hypnotherapist, regressing to his childhood where the traumas and experiences which would shape his future crimes are explored. Each other track represents a different stage in the vicious cycle that many psychologists believe serial killers fall into before finally being caught in "Laredo"."
Interesting concept indeed! Now let's go on to the actual music.
These guys really know how to work with eachother. Duane's guitars really compliment Mike's voice, and Kevin's and John's bass and drum playing, respectively, go together well.
What I like about this album, in a way, is how it's alternative and experimental, but also includes influence from country. Some of the songs on this album I'd actually qualify as country metal. And I also like the creepy theme, as shown above from the sample from an article on Wikipedia of this album. Mike's voice really fits the lyrics, and he constantly sounds like he actually is the man he's pretending to be. I especially love when he uses his gas-mask to sing through, as it sounds so distorted, and it gives off a feel like he's almost taunting the listener.
But how will Faith No More and Mr. Bungle fans like this? If you like Mr. Bungle, you'll love this, because Mr. Bungle is the most difficult (aside from the noise projects) project of Mike Patton to get into, and Tomahawk is accessible. Some would even say this is the project he has that's closest to Faith No More, and in a way I would agree, but things are much more demented here, and more laid back.
When the album isn't trying to kill you through your headphones, it even has some nice soft songs like 'Sweet Smell of Success'. Mike's voice is hypnotic, and at times on this album, frenzied, screaming in random bursts, but when he isn't screaming, which I might add the screaming is somewhat rare, he's either singing perfectly in key, hitting every note, or somewhat growling, to help feed off of the creepy atmosphere he's trying to create.
This is so interesting as a concept album due to the story it tells, the disturbing imagery, such as Mike describing himself murdering hitchhikers in '101 North', to 'Laredo', with the lyrics "The cat's in the bag, and the bag's in the river!" referring to a witness to one of his murders, I believe.
But my favorite concept song has to be 'Sweet Smell of Success'. I just love the idea behind it.. He spots a girl, and somewhat cares for her, but he wants to kill her. He can sympathize with her, but he knows that she has to be the one he kills.. It's a sad song, in a way. Mike's voice just burns through it with emotion.
It's almost like a movie in audio form with the lyrics.. Disturbing. Very, very disturbing.. Not for everyone, but for the ones who can stomach it and actually like the music, there is much enjoyable music to be found. Check this out if you're a fan of any of the bands these members are from.
Overall, I have to give this an 8/10. Awesome album. Mike Patton can do no wrong... Unless it's a noise-album.
Recommended tracks: God Hates a Coward, The Sweet Smell of Success