Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

thanksgiving, happy thanksgiving, dinner, turkey, indian, cartoon, animated, funnyThanksgiving always gets me pumped up, like an action movie or your favorite song probably pumps you up. I'm excited to see my family, I'm excited for great food, and I'm excited to see if my dad will try to stab my mom at the dinner table while me and my siblings root him on, it's a past-time of ours, along with passing porn at the table.

Oooh, inside joke reference with my family and I on my blog. That shows you how legit and close to my family I am, or maybe I'm just trying to pretend I am in hopes of making you believe that I'm not the outcasted black sheep amongst them, and that I was actually invited to this year's Thanksgiving dinner.

But enough about that, I just wanted to tell you guys that I hope every single one of you has a great Thanksgiving, to be safe, to have fun, and that if you guys lived near here, I wouldn't invite you to Thanksgiving with me, but I would contemplate it for a few seconds. I love you guys, and like I said, stay safe. I don't want to have even one less page view because one of you guys got into a car accident or something, unless someone can send me the video of it.

car crash, fire, fatal, burningSee this? Yeah, don't do that.

Now to show you how much I really care, have a .jpg Thanksgiving image!

thanksgiving, happy thanksgivingFestive!

But really, let me know how your Thanksgiving goes, guys. Also, I said 'Thanksgiving' a lot in this post. Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. Oh, I'll stop now, don't worry.
