Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Song of the Week: Periphery - Jetpacks Was Yes!

New thing I'm starting up, called Song of the Week. Basically one of my favorite songs I've been listening to this week, and I don't think this one will disappoint you, no matter who you are. It's beautiful, and doesn't feature any screaming aside from two lines near the end. Brilliant concept for a song. It's about being immortal, and watching the world begin and end with you, as you watch everything you've ever loved eventually die, leaving only you.

periphery, jetpacks was yes, spencer sotelo, misha mansoor, bulb, djent, metalThese walls of time release
My eyes move like the drift
The cries, they resonate within
The fabric tears before me
Break ties between the kin

Reaching for a way out of this dream
I waste my breath ascending
Fears lead me astray
The past brings them to be
What's left to carry me...?

But a memory
The dream endures these lies
Forever at the edge, left surviving alone

What's left as I wonder
I've found a world where I am free
Inside that which is truth

The ground upon which I have grown is not the same
The fears, they've fallen away
Presently I've found I am not alone in a world of infinity sewn

Perceive beyond the seam
A soul evolves as one